2024 President’s farewell

October 21, 2024

Stepping into the role of President of DUCFS last year was both exhilarating and overwhelming. I thought I had a fair idea of what I was in for, having worked on and organised similar events in the past, but nothing could quite prepare me for the intensity and responsibility that comes with running an organisation like DUCFS. From the start, it was clear that my third year of university was going to be a year unlike any other!

Expectations vs Reality: DUCFS 2024

When I began as President, I expected late nights planning, countless meetings and plenty of pressure to deliver a successful show. But what I didn’t anticipate was how personal the journey would become. In the end, it wasn’t just about the show. It wasn’t even just about the £230,000 we raised for the charity- though, I’ll admit, seeing that number still gives me a buzz! It was about the people. The exec, the models, the designers, the attendees- everyone played a part in making last year’s show what it was. Together, we created something that felt bigger than any one of us, and that is what is so special about DUCFS.

The highs were incredible! Seeing the hard work of the exec come to life on stage, watching the models bring energy and flair to every performance, and hearing the cheers of a sold-out crowd four days in a row. But there were also challenges- moments when things went wrong, when stress levels peaked, and when it felt like the weight of the entire show rested on the Pres team’s shoulders! Still, those setbacks only made the eventual successes feel every more incredible.

Through it all, I was constantly reminded that DUCFS isn’t just about fashion- it’s about the people. The friendships, the collaboration, and the shared sense of purpose were what made it truly special.

DUCFS 2025: Opening the 42nd campaign

Now, as we turn the page and look ahead to 2025, I couldn’t be more excited to see where the new team take DUCFS. The bar has been set high, but I have full confidence in this year’s committee to continue pushing boundaries and building on the legacy that DUCFS is known for.

To the incoming team: embrace the chaos, the challenges and the camaraderie and never forget the reason behind it all- charity. The journey may be chaotic at times, but it’s worth every second, and you’ll make memories that will last far beyond your time at Durham.

To conclude, DUCFS is more than just a fashion show; it’s a platform to give back and inspire change. I can’t wait to attend the show in February and see what the DUCFS team of 2025 has in store!

by Izzy Sergeant